Sunrise Sunset

Sunrise over Lake Superior with seagulls

“What would you pay to see you the sun rise or the sun set if it were not free entertainment?”

I don’t remember where I heard this quote years ago but I have never forgotten it. (I have not found a source to credit.)

I have quoted this quote or thought it many times over the years…whenever I see a sunset or sunrise, or see photos of them, or when someone talks or writes about them, but also when I am out enjoying nature…for free!

I love to be in nature…I love to be outside…and I find a lot of free entertainment in outdoor spaces.

I remember a time when the boys were young and we were vacation waiting for a train and the wait was going to be long. I noticed a pond nearby so we went and sat near it and watched some ducks floating around, playing together. The ducks were fun to watch and I remember telling the boys one can always find great entertainment watching birds or animals, and observing nature.​

Audrey Helbling’s Minnesota Prairie Roots blog on sunrises and sunsets prompted me to think of the quote recently. Read her beautiful  poem entitled “Writing poetry as the sun rises” here.




5 thoughts on “Sunrise Sunset”

  1. (“jar of words” – wonderful image MN Prairie Roots!)
    So wonderful to share beauty…

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